Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019


1.   personal data
full name               : sylvi febrina
sex                        :famele
place,date of  birth         :Jakarta, 2 february 1999
nationality            :Indonesia
marital status       :single
religion                 :moslem
addres                  :citayam
email                    :sylvi.febrina@gmail.com

2.     educational background
2011  :bojonggede 04 primary school
2014  :al-basyariah junior high school
2017  :1 bojonggede senior high school

3.     qualification
a)     personality
I am a person who can work either independently or as part of team ,initiative,creative,hardworking,good attitude,tolerant,and be responsible
b)    skills
I can to operate a designer program ,like a corel drow,operate a business program,like a myob,zahir,I am also can to operate date process program ,like a Microsoft office.

4.     Organization
2012-2013 :OSIS in junior high school

Depok,october 10th 2019

Sylvi Febrina

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