The history of the Internet has its origin in the
efforts of wide area networkingthat originated in several computer
science laboratories in the United States, United Kingdom,
and France.The U.S. Department of Defenseawarded contracts as early
as the 1960s, including for the development of the ARPANET project,
directed by Robert Taylor and managed by Lawrence Roberts. The
first message was sent over the ARPANET in 1969 from computer science
Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California,
Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford
Research Institute (SRI).
Packet switching networks such as the NPL network,
ARPANET, Merit Network, CYCLADES, and Telenet, were developed in
the late 1960s and early 1970s using a variety of communications
protocols.Donald Davies first demonstrated packet switching in 1967 at
the National Physics Laboratory(NPL) in the UK, which became a testbed for
UK research for almost two decades.The ARPANET project led to the development
of protocols for internetworking, in which multiple separate networks
could be joined into a network of networks. The design included concepts from
the French CYCLADES project directed by Louis Pouzin.
In the early 1980s the NSF funded the establishment for national supercomputing centers
at several universities, and provided interconnectivity in 1986 with
the NSFNET project, which also created network access to
the supercomputersites in the United States from research and education organizations.
Commercial Internet service providers(ISPs) began to emerge in the very
late 1980s. The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. Limited private connections
to parts of the Internet by officially commercial entities emerged in several
American cities by late 1989 and 1990, and the NSFNET was decommissioned
in 1995, removing the last restrictions on the use of the Internet to carry
commercial traffic.
Over the years the internet has progresse,since the beginning
of 1995 the internet began to be disseminated to the public in the world which
reached 16 million inhabitants. And in 2001 internet users in the word
increased by 513 milion people.nexts years in 2007 the development of the
internet was very rapid, it’s development increased by about 2 time from the
previous to 1319 milion people. And in 2013 internet usage has increased many
time to 2800 milion people who use the internet, and will add more every years,
because now people always use the internet in all daily activities.